Functions in MS SQL server
Function is also wrapper like procedure containing SQL-Commands. Functions piece of code which runs on MS sql server. Below are few points related to functions
1. Input Parameter supported in function and output parameter not supported
2. Return keyword must in function for returning value from function
3. Function gets compile each time when executed
4. We can not use error handling in functions using Try Catch block
5. We can use only select statement in functions and not update,insert and delete
Function categorized into two Types
1. User Defined Functions
2. System defined functions
User Defined Function again categorized in two types
1. Scalar Function
2. Table Values function
Scalar Function : It return single value from function. We can use Begin End keyword with multiple sql command /complex calculation inside Begin and End block and return calculated single value from function. While executing scalar function use dbo. before function name shown below to avoid error.
id int primary key IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
name varchar(10) NULL,
city varchar(10) NULL
Insert into Student values ('Sammer', 'Mumbai')
Insert into Student values ('Paul', 'Nagpur')
Insert into Student values ('Javed', 'Chennai')
Insert into Student values ('Yogesh', 'Delhi')
create function Fun_StudentCount()
returns int
Declare @count int
select @count = count(Id) from Student
return @count
select dbo.Fun_StudentCount()
create function Fun_concate(@param1 varchar(20), @param2 varchar(20))
returns varchar(100)
return (@param1 + ' ' + @param2)
select dbo.Fun_concate('Asif' , 'Sayyad')
Table Values Function : It return table data with tabular formate multiple rows and columns. Begin and End keyword not supported, this function simply return table selection from SQL query.
create function Fun_student()
returns table
return (Select * from student)
select * from Fun_student()
System Defined Function : Function available comes bydefault with MS SQl server provided by microsoft. We will see few system defined functions below.
To Check System defined function go to
Database->Programmability->Functions->System Functions
select getdate() -- return current date of MS SQL server
select count(Id) from student -- count function return count of rows
select Newid() -- return unique identifier
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