Tuesday 16 March 2021

Part 2 : Http Methods

#2 minutes of Reading

HTTP Request
Http is protocol used for exchanging data on Web(internet). It require Client server architecture client can be browser, mobile, IOT, etc and application or web API hosted on web servers like IIS or apache.
An Http request is nothing but massage which is send by client computer to server computer with the help of HTTP protocol. Server process on Http request send by client and return response based on request.
Http request categorized in below types:
• Request Line (path)
• Request Header
• Request Body
Request Line is nothing but information of which type of Http method (Get/Post,), Service URI and protocol.
e.g. Get/api/Employee (Http 1.1/2)
Header holds metadata of request in key value pairs.
Request Body contains information which client want to send to server for processing. Request body usually using with Post and Put request.

HTTP Methods:
HTTP method categorized in below.
Get: It is used to get information from server in Json or XML format
Head: It is same as Get but not support response body and support only response header.
Post: It is used to send information from client to server using request body. Adding resource on server side, post request is used like for inserting data.
Put: It is used to alter resource om server side.
Delete: It is used to delete resource from

Http Status Code:
Http request executed on server side and resource returned to client with status code with message of the status code.


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