Wednesday 10 March 2021

Blogs By Asif Sayyad

Token Based Authentication :
JWT Token Based Authorization in Asp.Net Core API

Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 1 .Net Core Framework
Part 2: Features of Asp.Net Core 3.1 and VS installation
Create Asp.Net Core project using .NET CLI
Part 4: Create Asp.Net Core project using VS and Program class in Asp.Net Core
Part 5 : Hosting Models in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 6: Middleware in Asp.Net Core
Part 7 : Custom Middlware in Core application
Part 8 : Developer Exception Page
Part 9: Launch Setting and App setting Json File
Part 10: Static Files in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 11: MVC Configuration in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 12: MVC Pattern in Asp.Net Core
Part 13: Model Controller and View
Part 14: Routing in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 15 : Tag Helpers
Part 16: Model binding and exchanging data between view and model
Part 17: Dependency Injection in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 18: DI services (Singleton, Transient and Scoped)
Part 19: Entity Framework in Core 3.1
Part 20 : Mini Project with Entity Framework Code First
Part 21: Dependency injection with Repository pattern
Part 22: ProductDetails Controller with Generic Contracts
Part 23: Image upload for ProductDetails Controller
Part 24: Brand Name DropDownList
Part 25: Authentication In Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 26: Authentication using Identity in Asp.Net core 3.1
Part 27: Login and Register action Link
Part 28: Authorization and Managing Roles in Asp.Net Core 3.1
Part 29: Handling Http Errors (404, 500 ..)
Part 30: Buy Product and Cart Functionality
Part 31: Removing Items From Cart
Part 32 : Calling stored procedure using EF core

Asp.Net Core API
Part 1 : Introduction
Part 2 : Http Methods
Part 3 : Hello Sample
Part 4 : WeatherForecast Service
Part 5 : Consuming WeatherForecast service
Part 6 : Exchanging data in Web API
Part 7 : Exchanging Data in API - 2
Part 8 : EF Core in Web API
Part 9 : Accessing Values From Different Configuration
Part 10 : Consuming API from Console Application
Part 11 : Token Based Authentication In Web API

MVC 5 Blogs
Asp.Net MVC Architecture and Routing
ASP.NET MVC 5 : Layout and ViewStart View
ActionResult In MVC5
Validation in MVC 5
CRUD Operation Using EF6.0 Code First in Asp.Net MVC 5
HTML Helpers in MVC 5 Part 1
HTML Helpers in MVC 5 Part 2
ViewData ViewBag and TempData
Partial View Part 1
Partial View Part 2 With JQuery Ajax
Areas In MVC 5
Error Handling In MVC

MS SQL Server Blogs
Over Clause with Ranking and Aggregate functions
Stored Procedure
DDL Trigger
SQL Join

React JS
Part 1: React JS ?
Part 2 : React Render Method with component
Part 3 : Environment Setup and Creating First React App
Part 4 : React Project structure
Part 5 : React Component
Part 6 : Create New React Component
Part 7: Update Component data using button(event).
Part 8: Function based component
Part 9 : Method call from Child Component to Parent
Part 10 : Two way binding
Part 11 : Toggle Functionality in React
Part 12 : Deleting Employee Card
Part 13: Edit Employee Card
Part 14 : Apply CSS Dynamically in React
Part 15 : Pseudo class selector in React


At 18 April 2022 at 08:54 , Blogger abdulbasit11803 said...

Interesting and amazing how your post is! It Is Useful and helpful for me That I like it very much, and I am looking forward to Hearing from your next..

At 4 July 2022 at 12:09 , Blogger Asif Sayyad said...

Thank you for nice comment 🙂


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